Sunday, January 5, 2014

It's not you, it's me...

The past 6 months has been the best CrossFit experience for me yet. No, I'm not winning any medals or standing on the podium at competitions. I actually haven't even competed in a while. Competitions (whether your home box or local competitions involving multiple boxes) are one of the best ways to track your progress. We train and train day in and day out to go up against the best and see how we stack up. Not only is it awesome to compare your fitness with your peers but it's just plain fun!

I originally thought taking a break from the competitive side of CrossFit was going to just kill me! I am a competitive person and CrossFit is very addicting. And honestly sometimes seeing photos on facebook of my friends and training partners killing it at competitions bums me out. But I realize soon my time will come and all is well.

Whether you realize it or not competitions at nerve wrecking! There's so much pressure. Gotta look good and you better perform well and represent your coaches and gym. And God forbid you don't sign up for the RX'd division. Because seriously, who scales right?? {{insert sarcasm}}

CrossFitting simply to be healthy and strong is my current goal. Nothing else is motivating me. Ahh, I feel like I can breathe!!! No pressure, no upcoming competitions to freak me out. It's just me, a regular ol' mama lifting weights and staying fit. That feels so good! And what's awesome about it is I'm still improving. I'm still setting personal records, I'm surprising myself with my strength and capabilities. In the past I realized I kinda sucked (not kinda, I did suck!) under pressure (ok, who doesn't?). But for me, especially at last year's Open, I sucked. Real bad! The pressure gets to me and I feel like I have to beat everyone and everyone's watching me and I turn into Jessie from Saved by the Bell onto many pills. "I'm!" So maybe his break will help me suck a little less! Keeping in mind I'm competing to do well but with less pressure on myself.

Just maybe wish I could make my comeback with a medical Julie Foucher ;-)

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